‘Your Lighthouse’ - (Songs For Separation 2024)

The video for Your Lighthouse, the fifth track on the Songs For Separation album, uses a detail from Dusan Malobabic’s painting of his oil on canvas work ‘Night Kitchen.’

‘Signs and Symbols’ (Songs For Separation 2024)

The video for Signs and Symbols, the sixth track on the Songs For Separation album, uses a collage of animations to outline and frame the song.

Matthew and Steve get back in time for Broken Oars Podcast.

Not big on social media, Broken Oars Podcast occasionally put out tongue-in-cheek videos …

The promotional video for the Northumbria album.

The Northumbria album was released on 1st May 2020 accompanied by a short promotional video.

A.I Jackson - ‘I ♡ Manchester’ (2017)

I ♡ Manchester was written and recorded on 23rd May 2017 in memory of all casualties following the Manchester Arena Bombing.